接下來的重頭戲是由甫獲「全球華文永續報導獎」的天下雜誌未來事業部總監兼CSR頻道總編輯黃昭勇以及獲「吳舜文新聞獎 – 影音類深度報導獎」的《天下雜誌》影視中心總監李洛梅來為學員進行課程介紹並帶領分組實作,從議題的發想、內容走向的深度鑽研、直到把一個”發想”聚焦為一篇報導或一則podcast。最後的成果發表在老師的講評中,兩位主講人都紛紛驚嘆同學的無窮潛力,也肯定同學們亮眼的表現。
2020 4th Futuremakers workshop together with Commonwealth Magazine was held on 20th Nov and near 40 youth who were with visual impairment or from low/ middle income family were invited. Instead of a “lecture”, this workshop was asked attendees to complete a small project through group discussion; participants were grouping by their preferred topic – feature article or podcast, and there had mentors to facilitate the discussion, helping them to develop and funnel their ideas into an article or a podcast outline.